The new Integrationsgesetzt clearly explained

26. May 2016

True to SPD and CDU developed the motto of "Funding and request" a draft for a new Integration Act should be deciding this summer in the Bundestag.

Because we of course interested in new developments in the asylum system we have compiled short and understandable to the most important changes:
A major focus of future integration strategy is located on the improved integration through work. So access to jobs should be in the future much easier and faster. The primacy of felt for interested employers so far as very laborious examination should in the future dropped in regions with low unemployment rates. Previously, employers had to prove that no comparable applicants with a German passport for the exercise is the site available, before they were allowed to employ an asylum seekers. Also the traditional construct of education should become more attractive. Participation in a training course is also after the 21. Life publish still possible and guarantees a secure residence status during the period. Who will become the training, must remain safe for another two years who is not being taken over has at least six months after a corresponding to other training activities to look for.

Publicly criticized by social associations such as Pro Asyl, there will be a greater distinction between people with secure asylum status and those where this is still to clarify in the future. Whose procedure in dry is he gets tolerated until after twelve already after three months access to certain social benefits.

The focus of the draft of law is to promote integration efforts and reward, but at the same time penalise refusal. Who to stay away from integration courses without good reason or even cancels receives a drastic reduction of its monetary benefits. A course entitled to only in the first year, who has sweaty the appointment no way to catch up on the course. Basically a laudable approach, which however currently unfortunately still stands in contrast to the nearly 200,000 missing places in the courses. Also, the contents are adapted. The previously scheduled 60 hours orientation course be raised to 100. The focus is primarily the German system.

Who can prove that he is able to care for themselves financially mainly after three years and C1 has a language level (the same as if you would like to study at a German University) receives a permanent residence permit. Who is not so quickly able to learn the language receives another way after five years, if he has at least the significant lower level A2.

The provinces get new freedom of choice. The residence requirement is set for three years and the countries can determine for themselves whether they assign a fixed region to the persons concerned or exclude certain regions as Royal residence. This should do avoid, that whereas in the rural areas existing resources such as local accommodations lie unused fallow ghettos form mainly in large cities. Only who has a job or first degree with a minimum income of €712 can prove a relative may move close to the place of work.

In the conclusion, it can be said that the Bill of which contains many good ideas. Entitled to reward those who strive for a trouble-free life together, sure also many voices of asylum critics who worry about the long-term integration effort be appeased. The necessary foundations must however first be created to fully develop the law and that means first and foremost to provide money and skilled workers for language and integration courses. Also, the idea of integration should be understood further as only about the work, the while central pivot of our everyday life is no guarantee for successful integration but by their very different decoration. These include also education, leisure activities and social interaction. To find the right contact for these issues in their region, for example in the welcome app.