Peggy in "Companies integrate refugees" in Dresden

5. April 2017

Peggy Reuter-Heinrich, partner – Director of the Heinrich & Reuter Solutions GmbH and founder/shareholder – director of IT helps gGmbH was on the 05.04.2017 equal in double feature on the road. At the event "Companies integrate refugees" – organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, the DIHK and IHK Dresden – it went to direct exchanges of experience on the part of entrepreneurs /-inside, the refugees in their companies welcomed and have adjusted.

The Heinrich & Reuter Solutions GmbH has already 2016 had the luck to be able to welcome an eligible employee for the software development team. Ahmad has meanwhile left at his own request in favor of a point of a place with different technological focus HeiReS and thank you very much for it. Mile to the HeiReS team, which is especially the Adminstration with his degree in economics, but were actively involved in the project welcome app Germany now counts since April 2017.

What could definitely clarify Peggy, was that their experience with two employees from the refugee context were so far absolutely positive, whether with regard to qualifications, motivation or readiness… not more than maybe with exception of the easily surmountable barrier. Especially in the context of the welcome app, of course the own experience of both were extremely helpful to customize the app even more on the rising and partly changing needs of this group of users.

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