Version for older Windows PCs
In daily communication with the cities, municipalities and districts as well as for aid agencies and authorities is brought again to us, that the benefits of welcome app Germany not in full can be used, because unfortunately no current technology, such as Smartphones and computers with Windows 8 and higher available are. This is just the opportunity to work one of the great advantages of the welcome app Germany together with the seeking help on a content in different languages.
As a company developing software to create applications for Windows 7 is our bread and butter business. For this reason we asked ourselves, why not convert the app in a classic version of the software? This version enables each user working on an older Windows computer to use the content of the platform. For example, when a consultation can be so common with the seeking help develop content. In the best case can so she said cross-cutting communication improved, and saves time and effort in the authorities and advisory bodies.
Currently, we are still looking for supporters for the Windows 7 version of our app. Would you also benefit from our great cross-platform system? Like to write to us!