Author Archive

Channel 9 welcome app feature

Oct 12 2016

We are very pleased that Microsoft Channel 9 supports us in our effort in orientation and integration assistance for refugees and migrants…

Welcome app as an example of the digital transformation on WPC 2016

Jul 22 2016

Sometimes the welcome is app events shown or mentioned, without knowing in advance of them. Since we are pleased of course in…

Welcome app to guest at the DRC

Jul 22 2016

We are actually constant feedback reach us to the welcome app, content, usability, and their capabilities to collect, and if necessary to…

New welcome app control video online

Jul 01 2016

Since the 04.06.2016, a new video to the welcome app is online. The tablet version for Windows as an example, we explain…

Welcome app Germany on the DWX 2016

Jun 16 2016

By the 20th century. up to 23. June 2016 DWX – in Nuremberg held the year's developer week – short. The welcome…

Welcome app website is multilingual

May 23 2016

It's something long overdue, but this week we do it: the welcome app website is multilingual, specifically, they switched to multilinugual and…

Ordering options for printed matter

Apr 06 2016

We have strengthened in recent months emails regarding Get Info material about the welcome app to laying out/hang. We of course love…

Artwork for offices, authorities, helpers, etc.

Apr 05 2016

Recently are on our Web site templates for offices, authorities, charities etc. available for download, which should contribute to the dissemination of…

New press release (April 2016) is online

Apr 05 2016

We usually only whenever there's actually something to say interesting for the press write press release. To be honest, there were very…